How much does equine insurance cost?
The cost of the insurance depends on the use of the horse, the age, and the amount you are insuring for. You can fill out the form to request a quote.
Do I need to have a vet exam before I can get horse insurance?
You only need a vet exam if the horse is over 15 years of age, if the horse is valued at $50,000 or more, or if the horse has been ill or injured.
Do I pay today?
No, Once the correct paperwork has been filled out and signed, it is then submitted to be bound. Once the policy has been issued and I receive it, then you will receive the policy and the bill.
What happens if I decide to cancel my equine or livestock insurance?
If you cancel your policy within 30 days of the effective date, we do a flat cancel where there is no premium due. If you deiced to cancel after 30 days, the premium is prorated and you will only pay for the time the horse was insured.
If I purchased a horse that has had colic surgery the previous year, will it be covered the next year should it colic?
This is considered as a pre-existing condition, therefore we recommend that you call your agent at Cole Agency Insurance Group to discuss the policy.
How do I insure a horse more than the purchasing price?
The owner must complete a Justification Of Value form to prove the value is greater than the purchasing price.
Does Major Medical cover hocks being injected?
Contact your agent at Cole Agency Insurance Group to discuss your policy. However, most elective injections are not covered by Major Medical.